At Pension Happy, we define sustainability as a never-ending discipline in which we can always improve. And that's why we set considerable goals for the future such as installing solar panels, chargers for electric cars, or completely digitizing the so-called "Guest Digital Journey" for guest convenience and environmental friendliness. COME and STAY with us and contribute to sustainable accommodation. 

Shampoooos...better to use more than once

Waste is generated in every accommodation facility - this is quite normal. Guests want comfort and that often involves a lot of packaging waste. However, we want to try to produce as little waste as possible. Consumption of traditional single plastic shampoo bottles per Pension Happy: 365 days x 15 rooms = 5,475 single plastic bottle per year. And now imagine you have two or more plastic bottles. That‘s why we use reusable, refillable and natural bathroom cosmetics.

Water, water, water. What is so special about it?

You might have known that three quarters of our planet surface is covered just by water. However, what's tricky that 97,5% of this water is salt water = not drinkable. United Nation estimate that by 2025 more than 30% of world's population will face water shortage. Every day we drink and "eat" water. How? 1 kilo of chocolate needs 24.000l of water. Most of us are meat eaters - we consume on average 5000l/day. Let‘s reduce water consumption and make this small step for human, but giant leap for mankind. We have limited the outflow from taps and shower heads to 10l/Minute. For watering our garden, flowers, and surrounding nature we use only rainwater which is rich in minerals. This rainwater is stored in large tank. We change towels and bedding after each stay, for long-stays guests and then only upon request as room change of bedding uses up to 60l of water. P.S. You might taste water from Elbe Spring directly at our bar.

Why we have no restaurant neither swimming pool?

The reason is simple. We make our best in the field we understand and at the same time can also look after nature. However, we will not leave you hungry or without enjoying water paradise. Before you start your day, our Happy team provides you with a delicious breakfast with a variety of options ranging from cold to warm buffet, homemade pancakes, cakes, omelets, porridge and many more... We also try to use locally sourced ingredients. And for the evening, we have a self-serviced bar with snacks. If you would like to have lunch or dinner, restaurants are just 50,100,300m from our guesthouse. We should not forget about the pool. What could be better than to swim in Elbe, just below the springs directly in nature? Okay, maybe it could get little colder in winter. Therefore, we have the largest swimming pool in Spindleruv Mlyn with water paradise, whirlpools, and sauna just 250m from our guesthouse. In case you stay longer with us, you also get tickets for free.

In vino veritas (in the wine is truth)

Wines from family-owned vineyard served in family-run Pension with a view on the mountains and the dam lake. Château Valtice is one of the oldest wineries in the Czech Republic, where wine has been produced since 1430 during the time of the Liechtensteins. It is even home to the oldest wine cellar in the Czech Republic. After a thorough selection with the Sommelier, we have prepared a collection of wines from different varieties, routes and sugar content.

Energy usage

Pension’s Happy target is to reduce emissions of CO2 by changing gas heating to heat pumps. Based on the manufacturer, installed heat pumps have one of the highest efficiencies that could be found on market in 2022. In another words, it could convert 1kw/h of electricity into 4,54kw/h of heating or warm water. As an additional support to heat pumps, we heat common room with special type of fireplace which also heats rooms with remaining heat. From the energy usage point of view, we do not use air conditioning as temperature cools down during night, but also current and future air conditioning units all around the world are estimated to increase global temperature by 0,5 Celsius at the end of this century. Lastly, all rooms are equipped with led lamps, walls are properly insulated, and double-glazed windows are supposed to retain heat in the building.

How about you? Are you looking forward to staying with us?

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Special offer

LAST MINUTE: Discounted prices for family stays from March to April